
My Anniversary

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

!! A.d.s !!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

!! Lepak-king !!

morning everyone.. okai.. rini aku nak cter sket kat hang pa..pasai kengkwan aku ni.. da lala aku tak jumpa.. last jumpa pown tak hingat. dah lama sangat ko... disebabkan dah lama tak jumpa.. (aku lah tu) yang lain rajin2 gak berjumpa.. sedih je mcm  tak ada kawan.. pada hal kawan ramai je kt cini.. so semenjak aku dah lepak kt BP alik ni.. first sekali bila ktowg hang-out sama masa Sofie kawen... pastu terus ke Kluang.. jalan2 makan angin... after that, terus je aku kua lepak mlm2.. cuma time diowg g mandi manda kt Bekok je aku tak dapat join.... (ada hal sket lorhh).. aku sempat gak la snap pic yang ptot.. masa kami kua.. salunya yang ada geng aku.. ATAK... ZETTY... SYIMA.. AKU... kekadang ATIK...AIDA dgn AIN.. dgn Aida aku jarang dapat lepak sama... die keje ikot shift.. tu la kalo dapat kua reramai pasti havoc.. alah just lepak jalan2 je.. ritu mlm before Syima disunting menjadi tunangan orang... ktowg kua lepak2 kt dataran tp Syima tak ada.... (darah manis tak leh kua umah)... kalo da jumpa diowg ni mmg keje nye asik meng"GELAK" je la... dengan kes melatah2 lagi...tu yang gelak tak hingat dunia tu.. kuangkuangkuang....

aku.. zetty.. atak.. syima...

Atak yang suka wat muka...

!! Tajuk @ Title !!

aku ni nak bercter sket.. ala2 ngumpat gitu.. rini mood aku nak ckp melayu.. dulu "I sound silly when I speak Malay - mawi".. skang... "bahasa melayu bahasa kebangsaan".. so disebabkan rini hari Selasa yang dingin lagi beku dalam opis ni... (yang penuh berkat) aku nak gak la amik berkat cakap bahasa melayu... bukan apa.. ckp Inggeris aku yang penat lidah (mcm lagu Spider - Cinta dewa dewi) if I'm not mistaken la....nak jugak selitkan bahasa Inggeris tu... bukan apa aku cuma sedih je sape yang baca kang... baik bahasa melayu mahu pown bahasa Inggeris.. dua2 bahasa nti kowg yang baca kowg tak pham.... (sempoi sudah A.A.K)

ni hah aku nak cter pasal kerenah orang2 kt tempat praktikel aku ni.. makin lama aku tgk makin comel lak perangai pck2 and mck2 kt sini.. tak lepas gak la akak2 yang muda yang keje kt sini... semenjak dua tiga menjak ni... aku dah jadi observer yang paling sukses dalam career aku.... ye la nak cari bahan tok wat report nanti... aku skang ni masih lagi mencari tajuk yang sesuai tok aku wat... aku nak gak la tajuk yang gah.. kang aku wat sebarang kang aku lak yang WANTED... sengal2 aku pown.. aku ni agak skema gak la.. aku kan baik... (HAMPEH JE NGEE~~) nak dapat result yang baik je.. report yang hebat tu je.. huhuhu..

skang ni hampir ke semua mereka kua rehat.. jadi dapat la aku ilham kan ape yang ada dlm pale otak aku... hah gitu.. sesi luahan perasaan pada pagi hari.. (dlm opis yang beku mcm KBM)... aku ingat aku nak wat tajuk pasal OB.. aku rasa tu yang worth it sket.. kalo aku wat leadership aku tempah maut.. da mmg kerenah birokrasi begitu ghupanya.... nanti la next 2 weeks aku naik Melaka tok jumpa advisor... tye tajuk aku leh tak... kita kt gomen tak leh suka suki wat apa yang kita pk.... yang penting bila g Melaka.. (kira hari cuti akulah) dapat la aku merayau2 ag... huhuh =) lain kali la aku sambung cter kt kowg erk.. aku kan mmg byk masa membazir wat mende2 mcm ni...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

!! Se-Petang !!

hye everyone.. hurmm.. I'm so sleepy right now.. I don't know what to... always dating with monitor... faced the mechine photostat every minute every hour and writing... doing the manual HRMIS... ouuuuhhh.. what a streotype life over here... KUANGKUANGKUANG... but.. there is always has a silver lining in every cloud.. I can post anything in my blog withOUT distraction from anyone.. nobody knows and nobody care.. ngee~~ okai la.. I'll post any story if I'm trully bored k...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

!! Bowling Tournament !!

this tournament was join was last sem and last two sem... I love to play bowling eventhough I not as experts like other friends... the tournament was held at MITC, Ayer Keroh.. more specific at the MIBC.. this tournament as usual collaborating with INSSO students because we are sharing and caring our coordinator... and as usual also I'm the only the girl in my group and the rest are the men... but for the last sem we are mixed each other between INSSO and HRS.. still I'm the only "FlOWER" in that group....

for the first tournament we won the fourth place and the latest we won the second place.... I was proud to have the PIALA!! as my collections at KBM.... okai la daripada tak ada... huhu.. my group member are MIZAR and PILUS...  then when we are mixing with INSSO.. we just added three of INSSO students but they are juniors... it's okai maa if we can win....

my group members...

we are enjoying the moment before the tournament...

 only me from BBHR5A and the rest BBHR5B =)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

!! Lost and Missing !!

evening everyone..... I can say that lately.. I heard a lot of gossips and dissatisfaction from the workers.... Yet I recover that this all happen when they get the new CC @ cHIEF cLERK which is transfer from Pejabat Tanah BP.... I can't mention his name but I am also one out of ten victims by him... actually.. I don't know what is his problems.... may be he just new in "TOWN"... and a lot of comments about him (bad comments mostly)... the way he control his staffs doesn't seem that he is a good leader.. I am not saying that I am too good but I know little bit things in leadership.. why the company do not send him to go training.. because from the aspects of HR.. I can see that he is low leadership skills... he do not perform well in his TDR.. (task.. duty and responsibility..) this is the main prob that I've seen since I was here a month ago...

firstly.. he ask me to redo the organization charts that consists of 6 feets to 3 papers of A3.. I do it like his said but.... the 6 feets to convert in 3 papers in A3 is quit difficult for me.. I try my best because I'm new here as a practical student.... (me too new here in town.... ahahahhaah =)) he is quit demanding and my supervisor said..

Kak Jai: kenapa kau buat jugak Leen?
Aku: dah CC suruh tak kan nak tolak..
Kak Jai: nanti aku soh Kak Ruby gtaw CC.. dulu dak pelan yang buat... pakai autocad...
             da tu ko nak wat mcm ne tu?
Aku: pakai excell la kak...

then after that... If I not mistaken.. second weeks I'm in here.. there has a seminar.. "KERJA ITU SATU IBADAH" from Pejabat Kadi BP... supposedly Kak Limah need to distribute the memo to all workers who are involving... but he gave the memo a day before the seminar.. next.. it becomes "kucar-kacir".. he just left it without words.. a.k.a Missing in Action (MIA).. on the day of the seminar he should be the emcee to welcome the Ustazah but.. he missing agian.. then.. Kak limah need to ask our JD (jurutera daerah ) to conduct the seminar eventhough he has meeting during that time...

now... today he missing again going to Jb without telling the JD.. when the customer services called him.. he said don't call just message.. what a great words from him... suddenly he go to JB in missing once again... actually the JD ask the customer servives to call him... the boss said...

"dia patot gtAw kt I.. bukan msg gtaw kt orang bawah dia.. dia patot msg pada orang atas die..."

 I like this sentences.... eheheh... =) I don't know whether to laugh or to pity about him... that is my CC.. and I get the idea to do report entitled LEADERSHIP...........!! THANX cc GIVE ME THE IDEA...

!! Tercampak sebelum diseret badan bas !!

REMUK...keadaan bas yang terbabit dalam nahas ngeri di Jalan Simpang Pulai-Cameron Highlands, semalam.

Satu lagi sejarah hitam yang melibatkan kenderaan awam.. Malaysia pernah digegarkan tidak lama dulu dengan kemalangan yang meragut banyak nyawa iaitu bas DELIMA... Sekali lagi rakyat Malaysia digemparkan dengan kemalangan yang meragut paling banyak nyawa walau pun bukan di kalangan rakyat Malaysia... Kejadian semalam berlaku begitu pantas menyebabkan beberapa penumpang tercampak keluar selain ada antara mereka diseret badan bas yang menggelongsor lebih 50 meter dan menjadi kemalangan terburuk dalam sejarah negara yang mengorbankan 27 nyawa.

  1. Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 11.40 pagi itu, 24 pelancong Thailand dan tiga rakyat tempatan terbunuh manakala 10 lagi parah apabila bas persiaran dua tingkat dinaiki mereka terbabit kemalangan di Kilometer 15, Jalan Cameron Highlands-Simpang Pulai, berhampiran Kampung Juang, di sini. 
  2. Keadaan badan bas dua tingkat itu yang tidak stabil dan senget seperti mahu terbalik.
  3. Bas itu merempuh konkrit pembahagi jalan menyebabkan ia terbalik ke laluan bertentangan dan menggelongsor sebelum terhumban ke dalam longkang satu meter.
  4. Kebanyakan mangsa sudah meninggal dunia selain kaki dan tangan mereka patah, malah kepala beberapa mangsa juga pecah dengan otak bertaburan atas jalan. Keadaan ketika itu begitu menyayat hati dan menakutkan.......

Monday, December 20, 2010

!! Last Event !!

the last event that i've ever attending was two month ago..... PGL @ Pre Graduation Lunch that was held at Equatorial Hotel at the middle of Malacca town.... this event broadly by Uitm itself.. I was studied her in Malacca about two years but since I was in Malacca.. I only attend for the two big events.. Firstly is HRS DINNER with INSSO and secondly is PGL... other than that, I've only attend to the Bowling Tournament.... every sem I've join this tournament...

okai.. now let's talk about the PGL... this party was called PGL because it is was held during the lunch time... about 11 or 12 o'clock... the date??? I can't remember even the party was unforgettable memories.... my friends very happy when they know I'll join this event.. actually, I am not saying that I'm anti-social person... but I just don't like the way the party was handle.. such as HRS Dinner... that was the unforgetable dinner I've ever attend for the rest of my life.. that is why I don't like to go Dinner when it is unsystematically handled.... the most thing I've really hate is UNSYSTEMATICALLY!!!!!...

During the PGL... I was sat on the table of number 25..... and for the girls there were Ann... Liya... Ecah and my beloved hugable friend, Amy..... and the rest are the guys such as Faris, Shai, Pilus @ Wan, Mizar and our class rep.. Che' Arm.... without the certainty.... we are wearing the same colors of Baju Kurung and the same color of selendang.... which by Me.. Liya and Ecah...... eheheh =) other than that, for the guys.. Mizar and Che' Arm are weraing the Pink Baju Melayu while Faris and Shai are wearing the Black Baju Melayu.... so.. and the best part was... Ann's baju kurung is the same color of the "alas meja".... so sweet.......

there are a lot ot foods were being served that day such as nasi putih, ayam goreng kashmir, ikan bawal sambal, sotong masak sos tiram and others.... I was so full that day... after the event ends... Iwas straight away to the Malacca Central (MC) to go back home... I just can't remember it was the study week or the last day in Malacca.... (*short term memory maaa.....) what so ever.. I'm just feeling real happy that day.. we tooks so many pictures but until now I still not download it in FB... (sorry ye kengkawan..) especially to BBHR5A..... and for the first time during that event... I've been make up myself after learn a few steps from my roomates.. IKIN... thanks girl!! hurm Ijust miss them so tide maa.... miss uols friends...

now I am doing my Industrial Practical in JKR, Batu Pahat... @ at my hometown and same goes with all my members.. then we can meet again on this coming 27th December after the Christmas break.... this is for the first time we are meet again after we've been apart for about a month.... they are like my brothers and sisters when I was in Malacca.. thanks a lot to all of u dude!!! okai.. I'll stop now and let me show the picture during the PGL.... =)
the night before PGL...

Ecah, Liya, Arm (specky) & Mizar...

Ecah.. Me... Liya...

Ikin, Liya (Fin), Me, Atip, Ecah & Liya

part of BBHR5A =)

My sweet Amy...
!! Thanx for the sweet memories !!

Friday, December 10, 2010

!! Result da kua !!

finally my result has been published in my emel... what a scary day for me.... I can't even sleep tide during last night.. *cewah...... alhamdulillah.. my result quite okai and thanx god I've got all clear papers.... I really thank you to all my beloved lecturers that teach me a lot... and I am on the top of the world when my paper LAW pass not fail...... what a big relief....

and also thanks a lot to all my friends that help me a lot in my studies especially amy and zeqhty for all they attention to me.... ehehhe.. love u guys..... ouh what a beautiful day... dabebabedoooooo!!!!!! I am proud of myself coz of my ability and capabilty during my study.....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

!! Exam = Settled !!

all I hate about exam is just left behind as today is my last paper for degree... arghh what a beautiful day even though it is raining outside and I just sit here in front of my lappy just to post my feeling...thanx god for all the things happen naturally... during this exam I just can say that I've only read the book, actually more to manual.. coz I don't have a text book.. kuangkuangkuang!!! during the final exam the day before next paper I started read the manual... (gela kentang siot)

I can says that all the exam questions this sem  is quite tough, hard, difficult n need a lot of common sense (coz I don't read the books).. hopefully I can get the best result... flying colors of coz.... there a lot of stories that I wanna share since I've been bz faced the exam... many things happen last month and I will post it later.... I'll be back to my home town on tuesday before Hari Raya Aidiladha.... and my practical session starts next week on 22nd of November.... actually I don;t have a mood on what to share about.. so I just follow my brain of what i'm thinking of... poor me... I don't know what to do... 

almost of 3 weeks during the final exam session... I am just doing my best with sleeping and watching movies..  there's a lot of my leisure time to be leisure on nothing purpose.... not only watching movies and sleeping beauty.... me and my friends also go to karok to free from stress (konon nye la) hang out tak ingt dunia.... then on weekends every day go to Jonker Walk just to buy baby scorpion.. what a beautiful creatures... ouh I really want that creatures..... oh god help me... may this night Ah Jiang (pet shop owner) open his booth at Jonker Walk... I don't care... I need that creature as my pet... kawaiii....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

!! Drop By !!

just the exam is around the corner..... so I had a tough time to on9 and post story in my blog... actually there are a lot of story that I wanna share with... but.. the time is not enough for me to post all the stories.. may be after the final exam I will proceed with the new story... and all the postpone stories during the exam session..
my final exam in final year is really different with the final year in diploma... may be because of the subjects itself.... whatsoever, I don't care.. I just want to perform best in my final.. wish me luck..... =)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

!! As A Reminder !!

I just drop by to set as a reminder for myself.... actually.. KBM still owe me 4 certificates that I participate in activities that had been organized here...
  1. certificate of Orienteering at Pekan, Pahang
  2. certificate of JCorp seminar
  3. certificate from seminar organized by Finance students
  4. certificate of finishing school
actually, I look forward for this certificates because it help me a lot in finding jobs later.. after the internship. other than that, this is my certificates collection for degree session......that is why it is very important to me to market my self and being one of my competitive advantage as a UiTM, City Campus Malacca.....
!! Thank you !!

!! For The Rest of My Life !!

For The Rest of My Life - Maher Zain

I praise Allah for sending me you my love

You found your home and sail with me

And I’m here with you

Now let me let you know

You’ve opened my heart

I was always thinkin’ that love was wrong

But everything was changed when you came along oh

And there is a couple of words I wanna say

For the rest of my life

I`ll be with you

I`ll stay by your side honest and true

Till the end of my time

I`ll be loving you, loving you

For the rest of my life

Thru days and night

I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes

Now and forever I… I`ll be there for you

I know it deep in my heart

I feel so blessed when I think of you

And I ask Allah to bless all we do

You’re my wife and my friend and my strength

And I pray we’re together in Jannah

All I know I found myself

I feel so strong

Yes! Every thing was changed when you came along oh

And there is a couple of words I wanna say


I know deep in my heart

And now that you’re here in front of me

I strongly feel love

I strongly feel love

And I have no doubt

And I sing it loud that I will love you eternally


I know it deep in my heart

 Maher zain bring the new aura and phenomenon in nasyid... the melody and the the lyrics is qiute good and this song actually the story about love from the wife to her beloved husband... which in they are loving each others in HALAL way.. not like the teenages nowadays in the other ways.... I fall in love with this songs for the first time I see it in MELODI braod by TV3 long time ago.... this new phenomena will bring greater follower who listen to the "DAKWAH" by using another approaches....


Thursday, October 14, 2010

!! Last Day - S.E.N.T.A.P !!

early this morning.. we should have a presentation to present a case study by group.... but then, my lecturer.. Puan Ridhawati has come in to class but there are a few students who not come yet to the class.. she hold for this feeling almost a year since she start teach us subject Staffing & Recruitment last sem..

the major problem in my class is time management.. about half of the class always come late to the class especially during her class.. (IR).. she had notice this from the last sem that not even every week the class has full when she had come to class... the more melancholic... she had prepare a delicious brownies but... there is but where she cannot stand when there are still a few students don't enter the class... she give us 5 minutes to call all the members who are late to come to the class..... after 5 minutes, sharp she's out from the class and there is no presentation and no happy ending at the end of the last class IR for us (the lecturer and us..)

Dear Puan Ridha,

we are truly sorry for what have done this morning.. we do not expect that time has come and we'll be end up the class like this... we are love u as much as u love and care about us... u accept us like your sisters and daughters/brothers. we are apologize for what we have done to you for all this time since you are starting teach us last sem.... We all know that all this happen is our fault... we don't notice this kind of attitude drag us to the sad ending.. we just hoping for ur bless and we are really sorry to hurt you like this..... we love u sis.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥~~~~ and once more.. thanx for the delicious brownies......... and please accept our apologize...


brownies from beloved sister....

apologize from us... BBHR5A

to our beloved lecturer.....

!! Thanx For Everything !!

!! Raya At Malacca !!

as the day has come.. I count every single minute just to ensure that really my mom wanna come to Malacca??? that the big question mark in my head....lastly my mom come to Malacca and fetch me at my uncle's house.... there are about three cars and one van that convoy from BP to Malacca... all my families are gathered at my uncle's house at Taman Sri Duyong.. near SEMABOK....

after we having lunch together... we all go to MYDIN, Ayer Keroh to go shopping.... My mom and me also excited to buy a lot of things.. I bought the household things such as the food, onions, fries and other stuff..... i was send home by my cousin to the Orchard Square.. for the first time, I an show the right way to go to my house.... actually, i am bad in showing directions....

this is my cousins and me....

me and my sister...

my aunties and uncles.......

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

!! Nonsense !!

argghhhh!!! for the whole 3 days of this week... I feel like I'm lost... I don't know what to do... and I don't even have a mood to go to the class..... but.. there is a but that now I'm in campus KBM.... posting this blog.... I don't go the class starting from Monday but I still in KBM.. I don't why... errmmmm poor me... =( final exam just around the corner and a lot of major presentation will be present next..... wish me luck k....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

!! It's Raining Outside !!

It's raining outside
I'm crying inside
It's raining outside
I'm crying inside

5 a.m in the dark
You like a cold fish with me
You're sleeping I'm thinking
You're turning your back to me
Here in my bed you're mad away from me
Here in my head you're never close to me

It's raining outside
I'm crying out loud
It's raining outside
I'm crying out loud
I run away by foot

Lost in the empty street
You are supposed to follow me
But you are too proud too do it
Here in my bed you're mad away from me
Here in my head you're never close to me
Come on... don't be mad I told you I need you
Come on... don't be sad I'm still in love with you

It's raining outside
may I come inside?
It's raining outside
may I come inside?

It's my fault, I'm sorry
Let me happy this fight
I apologize, would you hug me tonight?
Here in my bed you're mad away from me
Here in my head you're never close to me
Come on, don't be mad, I told you I need you
Come on, don't be sad, I'm still in love with you

It's raining outside by SOKO...  ☺

during this raining day at night.... suddenly I felt like to hear this song by soko.... time to Jiwang2 maa.......

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

!! Cuba Test Try !!

erm.. I got inspired by my friends especially from Atip and Ikin... that they gonna try to speak English often until they are fluent in speaking.... until Ikin also post the story in her blog in English.. so I wanna try to post my story in starting from now.. and later yet I've got more confident in speaking English publicly... that was my determination before I've got to work after the practical session... so once again to @ ZEQHTY NAQUIAH to help in the process of learning.... wah so excited maa.... I don't know what to say... thanx a lot to all of you who inspired me to be more alert about my future....

Usually, my problem in speaking is about the pronunciation.. I can't speak well because sometime I just can't pronounce it well.. so that my friends will not understand on what I am saying... poor me right.... hukhukhuk..... really poor to me when I am too shy to try or to ask to my friends... (what a big loss ADDE)... * sigh.. like saying goes said that "THERE A WILL, THERE IS A WAY".. something like that la.... I'm not sure about that idiom... and now.. I promise to myself to try to speak in English very often to ensure that I can speak English fluently..... I must keep my promise for my better future.... I don't want my firends or others to laugh at me when I'm speaking....  (I wanna be proud of myself) I know I can do it... Come on la.. This is me "ADDE"... I know myself better then anyone accept my beloved mom... (suddenly I miss my hug able mom)..

FYI... this coming Sunday my mom will come to Malacca (here) not to visit me but to visit my uncle @ her lil bro... my uncle was a policemen in Malacca... so for the hari raya.. he and his family cannot come to visit us in Batu Pahat.... (his hometown) so that's why la my mom and other siblings also with all her grandchild (my cousin's child) come here to visit him..... He stays at Taman Sri Duyong, around Semabok (I guess la).... then my mom will pick up me at Orchard Square.. (my rent house) to go berhari raya... then, my sis told me yesterday.. that they want to "jalan2" in Malacca especially go to MYDIN.. to buy a lot of stuff.... I know that was ideas from my mom and her sister..... from my side, I have no rejection or objection as long as they don't forget to fetch me here.. I'm waiting...

this is my aunty and my mom =)

as far as I concern, they will come here convoy.. there are about 3 or 4 cars... because we are one big happy family.... my cousin ANA just bought new car -SAGA 3 days before Hari Raya.... then, my cousins (they are twins) also bought a new car.. - VIVA... wah.. so next year.. Insya Allah.. my turn to buy a new car for my family.... then I am also asking my sister to tell my cousin AJID.. to bring a lot of Mercun.... we want to play at Orchard Square..... if anyone scold... who cares.....!! ehehhe =)

this is Ana, Me, the red one is Insyirah beside her is Sabrina... the two men are Ajid (the younger one) and my uncle Che' Lokman..


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

!! Raya Oh Raya Part 4 !!

okai.. sekarang aku sambung tok pegi beraya di Ayer Hitam dan Sungai Kajang.... kt Ayer Hitam dkt area2 Sri Gading tu terletaknya rumah adik bongsu arwah atok aku belah mak @ Atok Bak @ Pak Ngah Samsu (ni orang Pt. Bilal yang panggil..) kami bertolak beramai dalm3 buah kete konvoi sebab sepupu KEMBAR aku tak dapat join sebab ada keje dan kakak aku pegi beraya di BP MALL a.k.a dating...

Pak Ngah Balak pown ikut satu family.. lagi pown kete ada kosong.. tu ynag mengajak ikut sekali... kami tiba di rumah Atok Maa'rof je terus jadi pelik.. kenapa rumah ni ada makan2 ke.. langkah kanan la kami rupanya.. rumah atok Maa'rof baru nak ada marhaban.... so tak dapat lah kami beraya lama2.. lagi pown anak sedara Atok Maa'rof je yang nak dtg melawat.. cucu2 dtg nak amek pic je... (aku la tu).. tak sopan sungguh....

laki tu lah Atok Maa'rof... sebelah dia kakak mak aku dan mak ku comel....

lepas je balik dari Ayer Hitam, ktorang terus gerak pegi rumah Mak Itam... kali ni kt Sungai Kajang.. dekat je.. tp still area kampung gak.... sampai je Mak Itam tak ada pegi jadi ketua marhaban wanita.. Pak Itam lak tgh jaga lembu....  sepupu Wan yang sambut kami.... kami tgk dia makin gemok.... dgr cerita dia keje2 kampung je... tp lumayan siot.... mak aku dgn mak cik dah melantak kt dapur.. pastu terus merayau belakang rumah petik pucuk ubi.. daun turi dan macam2 lagi.. Mak Itam mmg kaki sponsor sayur2 kampung....

ni mak aku and the geng....

 tgh memetik daun turi.....

baju yang aku pakai la sepatutnya di pakai pada 1 Shawal.... (ape daa....)

balik dari rumah mak Itam.. dan kakak aku dah balik.. kami bergambar bersama pakai baju yang sepatutnya dipakai pada raya pertama.. lepas je amek pic tu.. kami terus pegi cuci pic tu... biasa lah pic kenangan family kami bersama... Thanx to Iera yang amek kan pic ni....

!! Kami Sayang Mak !!

!! Raya Oh Raya Part 3 !!

ni sambungan utk raya yang kedua lak.... mengikut kebiasaannya... tiap2 kali raya kedua.. kami sekeluarga akan ke Bagan Laut.. Daerah BP gak.... rumahnye mmg totally rumah kampung... kiri kanan hutan dan belakang rumah ada kubur lama.... kalau mlm seram la... nak2 bile nak buang air... dulu bilik air tak ada kt dalam rumah.. kt luar... nak pegi toilet @ jamban.. kene lalu kubur dulu.. then sebelah kubur tu gak la baru ada toilet.... aku ingt lagi masa kecik2 aku tido sana.. seram wooooo.... yang teman lagi seram.. kene mengadap kubur... tp itu dulu sakng toilet dah diubah dan dikedepan kan... so jauh sket je dari kubur....

sebenarnya.. ni kampung adik beradik arwah nenek aku belah ayah.. sekarang yang tinggal mak sedara sepupu belah ayah.... atok pompuan aku belah ayah aku panggil MAK MI.... arwah Mak Mi ni adik beradik dgn ayah Mak Ngah Timah (yang dok situ skang).. kira sepupu ayah la... kami balik Bagan konvoi ramai2... kadang2 cecah gak la dekat 6 biji kete... tu baru keluarga kami je belum masuk sepupu ayah dari KL & Singapore yang tiap2 kali raya akan stay BAGAN...

tapi raya tahun ni aku je wakil family aku... rumah aku kawan kakak dtg beraya.... adik2 aku yang lain dah balik JB da... Sungai Tiram.... sekampung la dgn OBRI AF7 & MOHD MENTOR.... biarlah mereka beraya balik kampung mereka.. tp sunyi sangat bile mereka tak ada.. rase sangat busan.. kalau mereka ada riuh la rumah aku...lupa lak nak cerita masa !! Raya Oh Raya Part 2 !! tiap2 pagi raya.. AJIE dan ABG NGAH akan bersiap di rumah aku... (ye la rumah mak angkat dia...) dan family yang pertama yang akan datang beraya rumah aku adalah family mereka... pagi2 raya tahun ni mak masak nasi ayam... kami pown makan beramai2.. memang dah tradisi dari Abg Ngah kecik sampai skang.. tu la tradisi pagi raya di rumah aku.... diorang dapat pakai tema OREN satu family.. ktorang je tak dapat.. sedih siot!! 

ni kt rumah aku....

ni hah nak dijadikan cerita.... tiap2 kali balik BAGAN.. jalan semestinya JAM... Balik malam pown JAM... meriah tetap meriah.. kt kampung ni gak lah yang aku cerita episod aku jatuh longkang dgn sepupu aku.... aku sempat lah bakar mercun nak soh mak cik2 aku melatah dan terperanjat... last2 aku yang "melatah" paling panjang... pak cik aku abang kpd arwah ayah aku @ ANDAK... gelak kan aku... "ape lah adik.. nak baling mercun niat dah salah.." aku ape lagi diam je la.. dah satu rumah gelak kan aku..... aku sempat gak snap pic mak cik aku.. kakak ayah aku @ Nen @ Anyah... tertidur dalam kete dgn cucu dia.. Awin @ Audrienna Erzavynn Binti Azdzri Zar.....

dahsyat kan cucu dgn nenek tido....

pic ni di ambil waktu jam... *maaf la ye.. cermin kete Mok G berdebu....

kami gerak dari Bagan pukul 6++ tp aku sampai rumah dekat pukul 9 mlm... gela dahsyat jam... penat dok dlm kete je... nasib baik bukan aku yang drive.. mak cik aku @ Mok G yang drive... hari2 lain kami dok rumah je dgn menerima kunjungan orang dtg beraya... kami salu pegi beraya dgn panggilan @ on call invitation... on the dot kene ciap.. raya ke berapa aku tak ingat.... kami pegi AYER HITAM dan Sungai Kajang, BP.... kali ni pegi beraya dgn keluarga belah mak pulak..... nasib baik tak jam...

!! Mood Raya Hilang Disebabkan JAM !!

!! Raya Oh Raya Part 2 !!

walau pown dah lambat aku nak post kan pic2 ni semua.. namun aku tetap gigih nak mem"blog"kan kisah raya aku tahun ni... semua berjalan dgn lancar dan seperti yang diharap2kan.... semua anak saudara belah arwah ayah aku ada datang rumah melawat mak aku.... aku tak nak bile ayah dah tak ada.. hubungan kami menjadi rengang.... kakak aku tetap dgn emo nya manakala aku masih lagi senang di BULI... susah gak la jadi orang yang menjaga perasaan orang lain seperti aku.... (aku baik ke???) jeng jeng jeng........

raya pada tahun bertemakan warna kuning lembut ala2 krim.. tp disebabkan baju raya tu tak dapat lagi @ tak siap agak nye.. (nak sejuk kan hati la tu) maka kami anak beranak hanya memaki baju yang lari dari tema... baju yang kain jarang tu... segan aku.... tp aku suka warna baju tu... warna PURPLE.. (warna kejayaan @ warna korporat UiTM) 

gambar ni amek pown dah mlm....

malam raya first tu... kami LAWAN MERCUN dgn jiran2 sebelah kt kampung... sebenarnya tak berapa nak kampung la.. tp disebabkan rumah tu rumah pusaka... jadi lah rumah kampung... kami berlawan pown dengan sedara2 yang lain... hampir semua orang area Parit Bilal tu.. saudara aku... cuma aku je yang tak kenal sebab aku tak membesar di situ.... lepas main mercun kami ke Tongkang Pechah rumah atok saudara aku.. @ ATOK LONG...ATOK KOBOI pompuan tau bukan lelaki.... yang atok saudara lelaki lak ... aku pown tataw nape orang panggil dia nama tu.. orang dulu2 kan suka je bagi gelaran pada orang lain.....

Atok Long aku yang pakai baju wane hijau....

 ni masih kt rumah atok long.. kt bawah baru kt rumah atok KOBOI... habis kuih dia kami KERJAkan...

ni baru kt rumah atok koboi... dekat je dgn rumah atok long.... @ mereka berjiran..

!! Macam2 nama ada dalam ni !!

!! puasa vs raya !!

aku suka raya kali ni meriah... Walawp0wn diambang raya.. Bermacam2 perkara berlaku... Meriah kali ni kami beraya... Aku dpt gak duit raya maklumlah.. Masih belajar.. Anak2 sedara minta wit raya p0wn aku ckp mnta tahun dpn... Skang cik adde tgh sengkek.. Tahun depan insya allah dpt duit raya... Mudah2an aku dah dpt keje..

Aku berharap sgt yg aku dpt terus keje lepas habis prektikel... Aku dah dpt peluang kt MRCB... Tp skang yg pasti aku tgh mnta tmpt prektikel kt JKR, BP & MPBP... tgk la ne satu yg dpt... Aku terima je... Aku sebenarnya na cter mende lain... Aku nak cter yg baju raya aku t0k raya pertama xdpt2.. Td baru aku dpt... Plg sedih.. Baju 2 ik0t theme... Kain baju kurung 2 kain dr Kelab Sukan JKR... ayah aku xsempat pakai... Jd kami buat baju kurung dgn kain 2... Tak pasal2 aku kene pakai baju yg jarang2... Bukan aku segan la.... dan raya kali ni gak lah kami byk amek pic tok dimasukkan dlm blog dan fesbuk.. bukan ape.... saje je. sebagai kenangan....

selain daripada tu gak.... byk tempat gak la aku pegi beraya.. tp folo family belah mak.. jalan2 jumpa atok sedara.. nak melawat atok sendiri dah meninggal... melawat saudara mara yang dah lama tak jumpa.. nak ambil berkat bulan SHAWAL... nak bersih kan diri dari segala dosa dan salah silap sesama manusia...

!! Kita enjoy !!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

!! S.E.L.A.M.A.T.H.A.R.I.R.A.Y.A !!





!! Latest Session !!

ni cter plg hangat pada waktu ambang2 sore mcm ni... alah ambang2 nak raya la.... ada pelbagai cter yang menarik telah berlaku secara mengejut.... (cter ni berlaku semalam...) BUT disebabkan yang aku bz menDONLOT... aku lupa lak nak post cter ni kt blog....

okai.... cternye bermula pada awl subuh (masih gelap lagi...) area pukul 6a.m gitulah.. mak aku dah siap2 nak pegi keje.. dia pegi keje naik bus.... so awl2 pagi lagi dia dah kua jln kaki trn bukit nak ke bus stop..... dijadikan bahan tok bercerita.... masa mak aku tgh menuruni bukit.... ada satu tempat yang gelap akan dilaluinya... dan.... (jeng.. jeng.. jeng....) ada orang kua dari bush tetiba dgn muka berselubung.. then dia memanggil mak aku sambil membuka bajunya... mak aku cuak.. tp sempat la die tgk orang ke hantu.... (mak aku yang cter ni...) dgn sepenuh tenaga di kaki mak aku berlari menyelamatkan diri.. (mak aku tu ad semput... kuang ajar tol la sape yang kejar mak aku pagi2 buta....) aku dpt taw kejadian ni berlaku masa akak aku tolak pintu bilik aku sambil menjerit.. "akak nak pegi dapatkan mak.. mak kene kejar...."

cter yang kedua berlaku apabila mak aku meminta kami... aku dan kakak tok temankan dia ke bus stop bwh... okai la.. aku pun siap2 dan excited nak bawa kete.. tp mak aku xbagi.... gelap.. kang mata aku nmpk cahaya kang.. lain lak jadinya... lepas antr mak aku... kami ke pasar dan balik... dah sampai rumah.. akak aku excited nak belajar kete.. aku pown ajar la.. dia dah ada lesen.. tp dia takut2.... nak dijadikan cter... masa kakak aku drive aku leka la main carik siaran kt radio... tetibe je ber"DENTUM".. kakak aku belok makan jln orang... nasib baik kete ktorang kete kancil lama.. kete cina tu kete kancil baru.. so effect yang teruk kene pada kete kancil baru... ala-ala "kancil vs kancil" la.... bumper dia jatuh... kancil aku lampu belah kiri je.. x sempat nak ambil gambar.... kakak aku dah melalak.... (takot..) first time accident tu.... sian dia.. dan raya kali ni masih boleh kami bawa kete utk beraya.... fuhh lega noo...

cter yang berlaku pada waktu petang... Adik aku AJIE.. hilang.. tataw mane dia pegi.. kami mencari dua2 rumah..(rumah aku dan rumah mak dia...) Iera nak ajak dia buka di BP MALL pown terbantut... sebab dia hilang... erm.. ntah mane ntah dia pergi.. sekali dapat taw.. dia ikut orang ynag x dikenali bagi2 kertas kt setiap rumah orang kt taman aku.... akak aku dah menyirap dah... masing2 pukul dia.. tp x nanes lak tu.. sebab dia taw dia salah... bile tanya.. Ajie pegi dgn sape... dia jawab.. TAK KENAL...  kami yang bengang.. da la skang byk kes budak2 hilang... kami risau la... nasib baik lah dia tak ape2.... 
macam2 berlaku.... erm.. semangat nak raya.. skang pown kami baru siap kemas rumah.... dah siap dah... esok satu hari kami nak berjalan coz rumah dah siap kemas.... lega siot... kali ni raya meriah sket walau pown ayah dah x ade.... kami beraya dgn rumah baru... rumah baru siap renovate.... hasil titik peluh arwah ayah dan mak.. tercapai gak niat ayah nak sambung dapur.... syukur alhamdullilah...

!! Selamat berhari raya !!

Monday, September 6, 2010

!! Raya Oh Raya Part 1 !!

bile sebut pasal raya.. aku mmg excited.. ye la... pose xcukup janji raya sakan.. ada aku kisah... puasa cukup ke x... yang penting aku raya... standard la orang pompuan.. puasa mane pernah cukup..... sama je ngn aku.. sape yang puasa cukup tu aku rase x berapa nak sihat la... ceh kondem orang laju je aku ni....

bukan ape.. aku nak berkongsi pengalaman serba sket pasal raya.... aku selalunya raya.. semua mak aku n kakak aku yang siap kan... aku harapan la.. duit pown x ada... mane aku nak membeli semua barang.... baju raya aku tahun ni 2 pasang je.. satu warna kuning plain n purple bunga2.. (kain jarang tu..) 1st time gak aku tok memakai baju mcm tu.... raya kali byk la perubahan.. dulu kami beraya bersama... dengan mak, ayah, akak n aku... kami berempat je.. family aku kecik je... skang tinggal kami bertiga... aku, mak and kakak.. ayah aku meninggal seminggu sebelum puasa tahun lepas...

antara pengalaman raya yang paling ketara skali yang masih segar di ingatan.. aku jatuh longkang dgn sepupu aku dua orang.. Ejat and Udd.. skang Udd dah jadi mak orang.. so dah jarak sket la.. semenjak dua menjak jadi mak dia dah matang sket.. yang masih sengal kami je la... aku juga pernah beraya dgn tgn bengkak coz mercun meletup kt tgn aku.. gela dahsyat waktu tu.. tgn aku dah mcm belon.... (ibu jari..) kenangn kene bakar dengan bunga api.. mmag aku x boleh lupa.. thanx la pada kakak aku yang bakar baju aku dgn bunga api... nasib abik aku x rentung.. sengal siot minah tu..

tp bila diimbas kembali.. tu semua dah jadi kenangan zaman aku masih comel2 lagi.... skang pown tetap comel... dah mcm teddy bear dah aku skang.. dulu halus la gak... hurmm... lagi aku nak citer ape erk.. nanti aku sambung pengalaman terbaru aku beraya eyh...

to be continue..............

Sunday, September 5, 2010

!! Happy Birthday !!

hari ini adalah hari yang paling bahagia kerana aku telah selamat membesar dgn jayanya.... pada tanggal 4.September.1985... maka lahir lah aku.... dulu putih mcm jepun.. skang gelap mcm melayu... so skang aku melayu la.... aku lahit genap pada pukul 10.28am.... mak aku kata kalo lahir masa matahari tgh naik.. alamatnya.. aku adalah seorang budak perempuan yang "baik"... baik sgt2!! 

wish pertama yang aku dapat adalah daripada kakak aku masa kami sama2 bertungkus lumus membuat kuih raya.... (biskut nestom..) dan hadiah pertama yang aku dapat adalah pelempang... (alangkah bagusnya setiap tahun dapat hadiah mcm tu..... bile xdpt wendu lak..) mmg tiap kali besday aku.. kalo aku dapat celebrate kt rumah... mesti dpt HADIAH pelempang dari kakak kesayangan ku... besh siot dpt celebrate besday kt umah ngn family.... salu celebrate ngn kwn2 kt u..... (sedey kot.. sob..sob..sob...)

wahwahwah!!! diam xdiam aku dah 25 tahun pada hari ni.. aku nak ucapkan TRIMAS pada mak aku.. yang bersabung nyawa melahirkan aku dan kepada arwah ayah yang byk menurunkan baka ayah pada adik... . nak dijadikan cerita... petang tadi ktowg g bandar @ SUMMIT PARADE.. tempat shopping.. dgn alasan nak cari kasut raya akak n adik aku.. kebetulan duit pencen arwah ayah da keluar.... dengan berbaju t-shirt kesayangan berlabel kan bugs bunny yang da lusuh (da 11 tahun baju ni jadi feberet aku sejak dari form 2 hadiah dari mak n ayah....) n berseluarkan seluar jeans lusuh kakak aku n sandal pinjam kakak aku punya gak.. n tudung syiria hitam... tanpa bedak n tanpa cuci muka.. (bangun dari tidor..) terus aku bersiap2 ikot mak aku ke bandar...

masa nak pilih kasut raya tu.. aku kompius.. mak aku soh pilih sekali tok kasut prektikel nanti... aku ni jenis yang brutal.... ne aku taw sgt kasut pompuan ni... tak semena2 aku stress n tataw nak pilih yang mana.. yang kakak n adik aku mcm biasa la.. diowg bz cari kasut diowg... mak aku dah kepenatan... aku baru terfikir... yang selama 25 tahun ni... aku jarang berfikir tentang diri aku tok jadi perempuan yang betul2 perempaun... aku pown ckp la kt mak aku....

aku : mak.. mcm xcaya erk adik dah 25 tahun.... tgk kt cermin muda lagi mcm CIK ETON DINKY.. (nama   glamer mak aku)
mak : perangai tu ubah... jgn panas baran... jadi pompuan elok2 sket.. jangan "bego"..
*bego tu mksdnya... biarlah sopan sket mcm pompuan....
aku : tu lah mak.. adik baru berfikir.... adik ni brutal + terejal.... eheheh =) nak pilih kasut pompuan pown masih harapkan pada mak...
mak : tu nama nye adik masih kecik lagi.... nak beli kasut pown seret mak bawa pegi bandar...
aku : ye la.. mak taw kan.. selama ni pown.. mak n kakak yang byk pilih kan tok adik.. yang adik taw.. ape mak bagi adik terima.... ni nak plilih kasut je... stress mcm nak buka pose..... (aku bagi hint..)
* sekali mak aku berubah menjadi makin comel..
mak : a'ah erk... mak nak soh iera (adik ku) beli air... mak tak puasa.. kakak pown...
aku : la nape x bagitaw.. adik pown tak nak pose gak.. (sementara tu.. kakak n adik aku tgh pilih kasut diowg....) tiba2...
mak : cepat la dik mak dah penat dah ikut ko pilih kasut.. pilih xjuga.... mcm ne nak kawen.. semua harapkan mak..... sambil tangannya giat memilih kasut utk aku....
aku : (hanya mampu tersengih tanpa kata.. tol gak ape yang mak ckp.. malu aku..... iskh!)

last2 sekali aku beli wedges sebab aku tak reti pakai heels.... and kasut tu adik aku yang pilih... aku hanya dok sambil mendengar mak aku sebarkan cter aku.... yang aku ni.. tak pernah beli kasut ladies selain wedges 3 tahun lepas pada promoter kedai kasut tu.... (tu pown mak aku dah pelik......sengal erk...) lepas tu balik ruamh.. n berbuka puasa dgn mok g and andak.. (mereka ni abang dan adik kepada arwah ayahanda ku...) kami mmg rapat.... mak aku masak special... IKAN BAWAL SWEET SOUR & AYAM PANGGANG MADU... sedap woo... terangkat la bro!!

neway thanx to all my supporters.. especially for my beloved mom.. CIK ETON DINKY, my sengalest older and younger sister..... adik kesayangan aku.. AJIE n abg ngah yang sangat pemurah..... adik tetap SAYANG kalian... seperti mana kalian sayang pada adik.... thanx a lot..... I love uols so damn2 much....!!

!! .....私にお誕生日おめでとうございます !!