evening everyone..... I can say that lately.. I heard a lot of gossips and dissatisfaction from the workers.... Yet I recover that this all happen when they get the new
CC @ cHIEF cLERK which is transfer from Pejabat Tanah BP.... I can't mention his name but I am also one out of ten victims by him... actually.. I don't know what is his problems.... may be he just new in
"TOWN"... and a lot of comments about him
(bad comments mostly)... the way he control his staffs doesn't seem that he is a good leader.. I am not saying that I am too good but I know little bit things in leadership.. why the company do not send him to go training.. because from the aspects of HR.. I can see that he is low leadership skills... he do not perform well in his TDR..
(task.. duty and responsibility..) this is the main prob that I've seen since I was here a month ago...
firstly.. he ask me to redo the organization charts that consists of 6 feets to 3 papers of A3.. I do it like his said but.... the 6 feets to convert in 3 papers in A3 is quit difficult for me.. I try my best because I'm new here as a practical student....
(me too new here in town.... ahahahhaah =)) he is quit demanding and my supervisor said..
Kak Jai: kenapa kau buat jugak Leen?
Aku: dah CC suruh tak kan nak tolak..
Kak Jai: nanti aku soh Kak Ruby gtaw CC.. dulu dak pelan yang buat... pakai autocad...
da tu ko nak wat mcm ne tu?
Aku: pakai excell la kak...
then after that... If I not mistaken.. second weeks I'm in here.. there has a seminar..
"KERJA ITU SATU IBADAH" from Pejabat Kadi BP... supposedly Kak Limah need to distribute the memo to all workers who are involving... but he gave the memo a day before the seminar.. next.. it becomes "kucar-kacir".. he just left it without words..
a.k.a Missing in Action (MIA).. on the day of the seminar he should be the emcee to welcome the Ustazah but.. he missing agian.. then.. Kak limah need to ask our
JD (jurutera daerah ) to conduct the seminar eventhough he has meeting during that time...
now... today he missing again going to Jb without telling the JD.. when the customer services called him.. he said don't call just message.. what a great words from him... suddenly he go to JB in missing once again... actually the JD ask the customer servives to call him... the boss said...
"dia patot gtAw kt I.. bukan msg gtaw kt orang bawah dia.. dia patot msg pada orang atas die..."
I like this sentences.... eheheh... =) I don't know whether to laugh or to pity about him... that is my CC.. and I get the idea to do report entitled LEADERSHIP...........!! THANX cc GIVE ME THE IDEA...
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