
My Anniversary

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

!! A.d.s !!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

!! Lepak-king !!

morning everyone.. okai.. rini aku nak cter sket kat hang pa..pasai kengkwan aku ni.. da lala aku tak jumpa.. last jumpa pown tak hingat. dah lama sangat ko... disebabkan dah lama tak jumpa.. (aku lah tu) yang lain rajin2 gak berjumpa.. sedih je mcm  tak ada kawan.. pada hal kawan ramai je kt cini.. so semenjak aku dah lepak kt BP alik ni.. first sekali bila ktowg hang-out sama masa Sofie kawen... pastu terus ke Kluang.. jalan2 makan angin... after that, terus je aku kua lepak mlm2.. cuma time diowg g mandi manda kt Bekok je aku tak dapat join.... (ada hal sket lorhh).. aku sempat gak la snap pic yang ptot.. masa kami kua.. salunya yang ada geng aku.. ATAK... ZETTY... SYIMA.. AKU... kekadang ATIK...AIDA dgn AIN.. dgn Aida aku jarang dapat lepak sama... die keje ikot shift.. tu la kalo dapat kua reramai pasti havoc.. alah just lepak jalan2 je.. ritu mlm before Syima disunting menjadi tunangan orang... ktowg kua lepak2 kt dataran tp Syima tak ada.... (darah manis tak leh kua umah)... kalo da jumpa diowg ni mmg keje nye asik meng"GELAK" je la... dengan kes melatah2 lagi...tu yang gelak tak hingat dunia tu.. kuangkuangkuang....

aku.. zetty.. atak.. syima...

Atak yang suka wat muka...

!! Tajuk @ Title !!

aku ni nak bercter sket.. ala2 ngumpat gitu.. rini mood aku nak ckp melayu.. dulu "I sound silly when I speak Malay - mawi".. skang... "bahasa melayu bahasa kebangsaan".. so disebabkan rini hari Selasa yang dingin lagi beku dalam opis ni... (yang penuh berkat) aku nak gak la amik berkat cakap bahasa melayu... bukan apa.. ckp Inggeris aku yang penat lidah (mcm lagu Spider - Cinta dewa dewi) if I'm not mistaken la....nak jugak selitkan bahasa Inggeris tu... bukan apa aku cuma sedih je sape yang baca kang... baik bahasa melayu mahu pown bahasa Inggeris.. dua2 bahasa nti kowg yang baca kowg tak pham.... (sempoi sudah A.A.K)

ni hah aku nak cter pasal kerenah orang2 kt tempat praktikel aku ni.. makin lama aku tgk makin comel lak perangai pck2 and mck2 kt sini.. tak lepas gak la akak2 yang muda yang keje kt sini... semenjak dua tiga menjak ni... aku dah jadi observer yang paling sukses dalam career aku.... ye la nak cari bahan tok wat report nanti... aku skang ni masih lagi mencari tajuk yang sesuai tok aku wat... aku nak gak la tajuk yang gah.. kang aku wat sebarang kang aku lak yang WANTED... sengal2 aku pown.. aku ni agak skema gak la.. aku kan baik... (HAMPEH JE NGEE~~) nak dapat result yang baik je.. report yang hebat tu je.. huhuhu..

skang ni hampir ke semua mereka kua rehat.. jadi dapat la aku ilham kan ape yang ada dlm pale otak aku... hah gitu.. sesi luahan perasaan pada pagi hari.. (dlm opis yang beku mcm KBM)... aku ingat aku nak wat tajuk pasal OB.. aku rasa tu yang worth it sket.. kalo aku wat leadership aku tempah maut.. da mmg kerenah birokrasi begitu ghupanya.... nanti la next 2 weeks aku naik Melaka tok jumpa advisor... tye tajuk aku leh tak... kita kt gomen tak leh suka suki wat apa yang kita pk.... yang penting bila g Melaka.. (kira hari cuti akulah) dapat la aku merayau2 ag... huhuh =) lain kali la aku sambung cter kt kowg erk.. aku kan mmg byk masa membazir wat mende2 mcm ni...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

!! Se-Petang !!

hye everyone.. hurmm.. I'm so sleepy right now.. I don't know what to... always dating with monitor... faced the mechine photostat every minute every hour and writing... doing the manual HRMIS... ouuuuhhh.. what a streotype life over here... KUANGKUANGKUANG... but.. there is always has a silver lining in every cloud.. I can post anything in my blog withOUT distraction from anyone.. nobody knows and nobody care.. ngee~~ okai la.. I'll post any story if I'm trully bored k...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

!! Bowling Tournament !!

this tournament was join was last sem and last two sem... I love to play bowling eventhough I not as experts like other friends... the tournament was held at MITC, Ayer Keroh.. more specific at the MIBC.. this tournament as usual collaborating with INSSO students because we are sharing and caring our coordinator... and as usual also I'm the only the girl in my group and the rest are the men... but for the last sem we are mixed each other between INSSO and HRS.. still I'm the only "FlOWER" in that group....

for the first tournament we won the fourth place and the latest we won the second place.... I was proud to have the PIALA!! as my collections at KBM.... okai la daripada tak ada... huhu.. my group member are MIZAR and PILUS...  then when we are mixing with INSSO.. we just added three of INSSO students but they are juniors... it's okai maa if we can win....

my group members...

we are enjoying the moment before the tournament...

 only me from BBHR5A and the rest BBHR5B =)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

!! Lost and Missing !!

evening everyone..... I can say that lately.. I heard a lot of gossips and dissatisfaction from the workers.... Yet I recover that this all happen when they get the new CC @ cHIEF cLERK which is transfer from Pejabat Tanah BP.... I can't mention his name but I am also one out of ten victims by him... actually.. I don't know what is his problems.... may be he just new in "TOWN"... and a lot of comments about him (bad comments mostly)... the way he control his staffs doesn't seem that he is a good leader.. I am not saying that I am too good but I know little bit things in leadership.. why the company do not send him to go training.. because from the aspects of HR.. I can see that he is low leadership skills... he do not perform well in his TDR.. (task.. duty and responsibility..) this is the main prob that I've seen since I was here a month ago...

firstly.. he ask me to redo the organization charts that consists of 6 feets to 3 papers of A3.. I do it like his said but.... the 6 feets to convert in 3 papers in A3 is quit difficult for me.. I try my best because I'm new here as a practical student.... (me too new here in town.... ahahahhaah =)) he is quit demanding and my supervisor said..

Kak Jai: kenapa kau buat jugak Leen?
Aku: dah CC suruh tak kan nak tolak..
Kak Jai: nanti aku soh Kak Ruby gtaw CC.. dulu dak pelan yang buat... pakai autocad...
             da tu ko nak wat mcm ne tu?
Aku: pakai excell la kak...

then after that... If I not mistaken.. second weeks I'm in here.. there has a seminar.. "KERJA ITU SATU IBADAH" from Pejabat Kadi BP... supposedly Kak Limah need to distribute the memo to all workers who are involving... but he gave the memo a day before the seminar.. next.. it becomes "kucar-kacir".. he just left it without words.. a.k.a Missing in Action (MIA).. on the day of the seminar he should be the emcee to welcome the Ustazah but.. he missing agian.. then.. Kak limah need to ask our JD (jurutera daerah ) to conduct the seminar eventhough he has meeting during that time...

now... today he missing again going to Jb without telling the JD.. when the customer services called him.. he said don't call just message.. what a great words from him... suddenly he go to JB in missing once again... actually the JD ask the customer servives to call him... the boss said...

"dia patot gtAw kt I.. bukan msg gtaw kt orang bawah dia.. dia patot msg pada orang atas die..."

 I like this sentences.... eheheh... =) I don't know whether to laugh or to pity about him... that is my CC.. and I get the idea to do report entitled LEADERSHIP...........!! THANX cc GIVE ME THE IDEA...

!! Tercampak sebelum diseret badan bas !!

REMUK...keadaan bas yang terbabit dalam nahas ngeri di Jalan Simpang Pulai-Cameron Highlands, semalam.

Satu lagi sejarah hitam yang melibatkan kenderaan awam.. Malaysia pernah digegarkan tidak lama dulu dengan kemalangan yang meragut banyak nyawa iaitu bas DELIMA... Sekali lagi rakyat Malaysia digemparkan dengan kemalangan yang meragut paling banyak nyawa walau pun bukan di kalangan rakyat Malaysia... Kejadian semalam berlaku begitu pantas menyebabkan beberapa penumpang tercampak keluar selain ada antara mereka diseret badan bas yang menggelongsor lebih 50 meter dan menjadi kemalangan terburuk dalam sejarah negara yang mengorbankan 27 nyawa.

  1. Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 11.40 pagi itu, 24 pelancong Thailand dan tiga rakyat tempatan terbunuh manakala 10 lagi parah apabila bas persiaran dua tingkat dinaiki mereka terbabit kemalangan di Kilometer 15, Jalan Cameron Highlands-Simpang Pulai, berhampiran Kampung Juang, di sini. 
  2. Keadaan badan bas dua tingkat itu yang tidak stabil dan senget seperti mahu terbalik.
  3. Bas itu merempuh konkrit pembahagi jalan menyebabkan ia terbalik ke laluan bertentangan dan menggelongsor sebelum terhumban ke dalam longkang satu meter.
  4. Kebanyakan mangsa sudah meninggal dunia selain kaki dan tangan mereka patah, malah kepala beberapa mangsa juga pecah dengan otak bertaburan atas jalan. Keadaan ketika itu begitu menyayat hati dan menakutkan.......

Monday, December 20, 2010

!! Last Event !!

the last event that i've ever attending was two month ago..... PGL @ Pre Graduation Lunch that was held at Equatorial Hotel at the middle of Malacca town.... this event broadly by Uitm itself.. I was studied her in Malacca about two years but since I was in Malacca.. I only attend for the two big events.. Firstly is HRS DINNER with INSSO and secondly is PGL... other than that, I've only attend to the Bowling Tournament.... every sem I've join this tournament...

okai.. now let's talk about the PGL... this party was called PGL because it is was held during the lunch time... about 11 or 12 o'clock... the date??? I can't remember even the party was unforgettable memories.... my friends very happy when they know I'll join this event.. actually, I am not saying that I'm anti-social person... but I just don't like the way the party was handle.. such as HRS Dinner... that was the unforgetable dinner I've ever attend for the rest of my life.. that is why I don't like to go Dinner when it is unsystematically handled.... the most thing I've really hate is UNSYSTEMATICALLY!!!!!...

During the PGL... I was sat on the table of number 25..... and for the girls there were Ann... Liya... Ecah and my beloved hugable friend, Amy..... and the rest are the guys such as Faris, Shai, Pilus @ Wan, Mizar and our class rep.. Che' Arm.... without the certainty.... we are wearing the same colors of Baju Kurung and the same color of selendang.... which by Me.. Liya and Ecah...... eheheh =) other than that, for the guys.. Mizar and Che' Arm are weraing the Pink Baju Melayu while Faris and Shai are wearing the Black Baju Melayu.... so.. and the best part was... Ann's baju kurung is the same color of the "alas meja".... so sweet.......

there are a lot ot foods were being served that day such as nasi putih, ayam goreng kashmir, ikan bawal sambal, sotong masak sos tiram and others.... I was so full that day... after the event ends... Iwas straight away to the Malacca Central (MC) to go back home... I just can't remember it was the study week or the last day in Malacca.... (*short term memory maaa.....) what so ever.. I'm just feeling real happy that day.. we tooks so many pictures but until now I still not download it in FB... (sorry ye kengkawan..) especially to BBHR5A..... and for the first time during that event... I've been make up myself after learn a few steps from my roomates.. IKIN... thanks girl!! hurm Ijust miss them so tide maa.... miss uols friends...

now I am doing my Industrial Practical in JKR, Batu Pahat... @ at my hometown and same goes with all my members.. then we can meet again on this coming 27th December after the Christmas break.... this is for the first time we are meet again after we've been apart for about a month.... they are like my brothers and sisters when I was in Malacca.. thanks a lot to all of u dude!!! okai.. I'll stop now and let me show the picture during the PGL.... =)
the night before PGL...

Ecah, Liya, Arm (specky) & Mizar...

Ecah.. Me... Liya...

Ikin, Liya (Fin), Me, Atip, Ecah & Liya

part of BBHR5A =)

My sweet Amy...
!! Thanx for the sweet memories !!

Friday, December 10, 2010

!! Result da kua !!

finally my result has been published in my emel... what a scary day for me.... I can't even sleep tide during last night.. *cewah...... alhamdulillah.. my result quite okai and thanx god I've got all clear papers.... I really thank you to all my beloved lecturers that teach me a lot... and I am on the top of the world when my paper LAW pass not fail...... what a big relief....

and also thanks a lot to all my friends that help me a lot in my studies especially amy and zeqhty for all they attention to me.... ehehhe.. love u guys..... ouh what a beautiful day... dabebabedoooooo!!!!!! I am proud of myself coz of my ability and capabilty during my study.....